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"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher

The effect of dietary energy and protein (amino acid) concentration on the performance of slaughter ostriches

  • 2004
  • Issue: 6
  • Volume: 34
T.S. Brand, R.M. Gous, A.C.M. Kruger, B.B. Aucamp, C.J. Nel and J.O. Horbanczuk Page: 104 - 106

A study was conducted to determine the effect of dietary energy and protein concentrations in a 3 x 5 factorial experimental design on the performance of growing and finishing ostriches. Energy concentrations amounted to 8.5, 10.5 and 12.5 MJ ME/kg…

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Growth, carcass and sensory characteristics of m. longissimus lumborum from wethers fed silage diets made from maize or various

  • 2000
  • Issue: 1
  • Volume: 30
M.J.C. Bosman, E.C. Webb, H.J. Cilliers and H.S. Steyn Page: 36 - 42

Growth, carcass characteristics and eating quality of meat from South African Mutton Merino wethers fed maize or different sorghum silage diets were studied. Forty newly weaned wethers (20 kg) were randomly allocated to 10 dietary treatments, viz. non-bird-resistant grain sorghum…

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Diet selection priorities in growing pigs offered a choice of feeds

  • 2002
  • Issue: 2
  • Volume: 32
N.S. Ferguson, M.M.V. Bradford and R.M. Gous Page: 136 - 143

Two experiments were conducted to test whether young pigs are capable of discriminating against a feed based on its nutrient balance (or protein value) and/or the presence or absence of anti-nutritional factors and whether there is an order of preference.…

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Regional differences in growth parameters between two impala populations

  • 2006
  • Issue: 5
  • Volume: 36
I. du Plessis, C.C. van der Waal, R.R. van Wyk, E.C. Webb, B. Kritzinger and J. van den Berg Page: 90 - 94

The origin of differences in growth parameters between impala from the Mara Research Station (Mara) and the Messina Experimental Farm (Messina) was investigated. Impala from both localities were harvested, and body weights (BW) and cold carcass weights (CCW) were measured.…

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Effects of dietary energy density and L-carnitine supplementation on growth performance, carcass traits and blood parameters of

  • 2007
  • Issue: 2
  • Volume: 37
M. Corduk, N. Ceylan and F. Ildiz Page: 65 - 73

The present study was conducted to determine the effects of dietary metabolisable energy (ME) density and L-carnitine supplementation on the performance, carcass traits and blood parameters of broiler chickens. The experiment was designed with three levels of dietary energy (low,…

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Proposed economic selection indices for the Simmentaler breed in South Africa

  • 2007
  • Issue: 2
  • Volume: 37
J.F. Kluyts, F.W.C. Neser and M.J. Bradfield Page: 122 - 131

The development of economic selection indices for an integrated Simmentaler production system was described. The breeding objective was defined in terms of production-, functional- and product quality traits. Criteria included in the total index were birth- and weaning weight (direct…

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Preferred components for the construction of a new simulation model of growth, feed intake and nutrient requirements of growing

  • 1994
  • Issue: 1
  • Volume: 24
N.S. Ferguson, R.M. Gous and G.C. Emmans Page: 10 - 17

Components for a simulation model are described to predict feed intake, amino acid requirements and body composition changes over time on the basis of the inherent potential protein growth rate of pigs varying in genotype. The potential protein growth rate…

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