Pastures in animal production systems veld and pastures in animal production systems in the Western Cape and South West Africa /
Keywords: Veld. pastures, animal production systems
Keywords: Veld. pastures, animal production systems
Simmentaler cows grazing Cymbopogon-Themeda veld in the western Highveld region of South Africa (1985/861989/90) received three levels of phosphorus (P) supplementation. Dicalcium phosphate content of the supplement was manipulated to give intakes of 8 (CS), 4 (HS) or 0 (ZS)…
Rumen fermentation was studied during three years in lactating Dorper and Merino ewes, supplemented daily with crude protein and/or energy via rumen fistulae on veld. Herbage, collected with oesophageally fistulated wethers, and maize meal were incubated in sacco in the…
In an attempt to quantify the requirement for supplementary phosphorus (P) of grazing beef cattle at Armoedsvlakte (which is notorious for its P deficient pastures), 66 cows received supplementary P per fistulam from 1984 to 1989. Supplementation was provided according…