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"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher

The 10th South African Society for Animal Science (SASAS) North student-industry day anniversary celebrations were held at the University of Pretoria (UP). At the same occasion the Animal and Wildlife Science/ Vee en Wildkunde in cooperation with the Center of Wildlife Management department was celebrating 100 years of producing excellent Animal Scientists. Thus, the day was filled with an atmosphere of reflections, encouragements and most of all celebrations of the many milestones overcome by both the department and the SASAS student-industry day. Among the guests were academic staff and students from the host University, University of Fort Hare, University of Limpopo and University of Venda and of course industry delegates. The chairlady of the SASAS Northern branch, Jackie Tucker kicked of the day with a very warm welcome of the guests after which the presentations commenced.

Then and now                                                                                                                       

Guests were firstly treated to a presentation about the history of the Department of Animal and Wildlife Science/ Vee en Wildkunde in cooperation with the center of Wildlife Management delivered by Prof N. Casey.  Professor Casey shared with the audience how the department evolved and how it was challenged by developments and challenges that occurred in the country. The presentation took the audience back to a time when the department was established and was then named the Instituted Department of Poultry Science in 1925. Today the department is named Animal and wildlife science/ Vee en Wildkunde in cooperation with the center of Wildlife management. It is from this department that the SASAS Northern branch student-industry day was born.

Pearls of wisdom

In like manner the former SASAS Northern branch president, who is also a Tukkies Aluminae and one of the founding members of the SASAS North student day had an inspirational message for the students. Richardt Venter, who is now a silage consultant at AGSCI Unlimited gave a presentation on “Being inspired.” Richardt emphasized the importance of being inspired from within, encouraging students to “Never give up because they can’t see the light at the end of the tunnel”.

His words resonated with those of a presentation by International guest; Tim Horne from ZINPRO, where it was highlighted that the role of the animal scientist in society might be a challenging one but it requires one to never give up, but rather adapt to changing times and to have a plan to move forward.  There is surely hope for the students who attended this wonderful occasion and we look forward to more events like this one.

After the informative morning session, it was time for the industry delegates to convince students to join them – once they have graduated of course! The presentations were short and precise; informing students of the opportunities that are available to them should they decide to join the animal science industry.  Through the presentations students were also allowed the opportunity to identify where they would in future contribute to the industry, for example in sales, product development or even consultancy thus, broadening their horizons. Speakers included guests from AFGRI, KAONNE Investments, EVONIK Industries, KEMIN, TROUW NUTRITION and ALZU/PIC.

It is the commitment of students, industry and universities that make the SASAS Northern Branch student-industry day so successful. Thank you to everyone involved for making this day a huge success.

“Ten years from now, make sure you that you can say that you chose your life, you didn’t settle for it”

Members of the SASAS North student day organizing committee, together with members of academic staff from the University of Pretoria.

From left to right: Mr Richardt Venter; Mr Tim Horne; Prof Norman Casey; Mrs Jackie Tucker; Ms. Michelle van der Vyver

By:Nyeleka Sipokazi

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