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Application for SASAS membership

Membership is open to any suitably qualified person involved with animal production whose activities may contribute to the scientific knowledge of animal production or to its application to agriculture.  Membership is open to citizens of all countries world-wide, and application from other countries in Africa and developing countries of the world, in particular, are encouraged.

SASAS introduced a new website in 2019 and, in order to get member’s information on the website, everybody must complete the application form once to apply for or renew their membership by registering and paying their membership fees with Instant EFT, CREDIT & CHEQUE CARDS AND MASTERPASS on the website. After you have completed the application and gone through the process once, you only renew your membership for the next year by checking your information and paying your fees on the website.

Members and non-members are entitled to publish in the South African Journal of Animal Science (subject to acceptance following peer-review) at a publication fee as prescribed in the Instructions to authors at and in the Applied Animal Husbandry & Rural Development section of this website.

Other advantages of membership include access to important notices posted on this website, access to the “members’ login” and Council news, reduced rates for congress registration and discounted rates for placement of advertisements on the website. Members are also entitled to join special interest and regional groups constituted within the Society – Free State Branch, KwaZulu-Natal Branch, Northern Region Branch, Eastern Cape Branch and Western Cape Branch – contact details under “Contact info” on SASAS website at nominal rates.

The 2025 membership fee for members resident in South Africa and other SADC countries, is R1000.00 (R 150.00 for student membership and R50.00 for retired members) and R1 300.00 for members in non-SADC and overseas countries.

More information:

Contact the secretary at [email protected]

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