1. Personal InformationCompanyRepresented byTitlePostal Address Line 1Postal Address Line 2CodeCountryTel (h)Tel (w)FaxCellE-mailMain area of businessMain area of business2. Membership fee (Please mark the appropriate level of membership)Member type Bronze Member | Fee: R 2 000.00 Silver Member | Fee: R 7 000.00 Gold Member | Fee: R12 000.00 Platinum Member | Fee: R30 000.00 Company benefits linked to membership (benefits for Institutional members - SASAS) besides support to Animal Science: Bronze - Listing on the SASAS website Silver - Banner on the “About animal science” page on the SASAS website Gold - Banner on Journal page on the SASAS website Platinum - Banner on all pages on the SASAS website ** Advertising material to be supplied by the Member according to SASAS guidelines*3. PaymentPay directly into SASAS’ bank account. Bank: ABSA Branch: Brooklyn Mall Branch code: 630519 Bank Swift code of ABSA: ABSAZAJJCPT Account no: 250 721617 Please send proof of payment to the Secretary by e-mail to [email protected]. Δ