(A peer reviewed publication of the South African Society for Animal science)
ISSN 2312-8747
In addition to the South African Journal of Animal Science (SAJAS), SASAS used to publish an electronic journal covering “popular scientific publications”, under the name SA ANIM-SCI, which was the name initially used for the newsletter of SASAS some years ago.
Both the name and the term “popular scientific” created confusion and the Society replaced this publication with a publication: “Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development” (AAH&RD). At the same time the Society did away the “SA Anim-Sci” label. Articles for this journal were not peer reviewed until 2008. Many articles that did not qualify (due to either their nature of the topic or research) to be published with SAJAS, were published in foreign journals that are peer reviewed. Furthermore, there seemed to be a gap in South Africa since SAJAS does not necessarily cover articles of a more applied research nature, or those that focus mainly on livestock development or production systems, or those that are not focused on basic/subject research, per se.
Peer Reviewed Journal
SASAS has therefore decided to establish an additional peer-reviewed journal “Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development” (AAH&RD). The editor is Dr Douglas Nkosi and the co-editor Dr Carl Muller. They are supported by an Editorial Committee, which consists of:
- Dr Sonia Maciel – animal breeder, Mozambique ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Dr Eliton Chivandi – animal physiologist, University of Witwatersrand ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Mr Dan Motiang – beef production systems, ARC-Irene ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Dr Thobela Nkukwana – poultry nutritionist, ARC-Irene ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Dr Arnold Kanengoni- pig nutritionist, ARC-Irene ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Dr Hilda Mokoboki- ruminant nutritionist, University of North West ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Prof Charles Kadzere- ruminant nutritionist and breeder, Döhne Research Station, E. Cape ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Prof Joseph Francis – animal scientist, University of Venda ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Ms Anette Theunissen – animal breeder and nutritionist, N. Cape Department of Agric. Land Reform and Rural development ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
- Prof MM Scholtz (animal breeder, production systems), ARC-Irene ([email protected](link sends e-mail))
For the immediate future it will only be published electronically on the website of SASAS (
Manuscripts that involve research pertaining to livestock development or production systems or those that are not of basic/subject research are considered. The intention is that this will lead to crosspollination of research ideas and accelerate the internationalization and the achievement of accreditation of the journal. In addition, manuscripts that emanate from the SASAS congress presentations (proceedings), will be considered.
Scope of the Journal
Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development is a peer-reviewed journal for publication of original scientific articles and reviews in the broader field of animal production / husbandry and rural development (where animal production is an important part of it). The scope of the journal includes reports of research and development dealing with farm livestock species (cattle, sheep, goats, pigs, horses, poultry, ostriches, aquaculture and wildlife). In addition to the main disciplines of nutrition, genetics and physiology; disciplines such as a systems approach, integrated production systems, breeding and management systems, sociological aspects of livestock production and animal production related surveys will be considered.
Type of articles
- Qualitative and quantitative research.
- Case studies in which the scientific principles are sound.
- Results of surveys if designed scientifically and contribute to the improvement of animal production, the understanding of animal production systems / principles or animal production techniques / technologies.
- Review articles that will enhance animal production and/or rural development associated with animal production.
- The scope of articles should be wide enough to enable the information to be extrapolated to practical situations, and practical guidelines should be included where possible.
- The scientific basis of articles should be sound and acceptable statistical and/or other procedures should be used.
- The content of articles should be of a high standard, as these articles reflect directly on the image of the South African Society for Animal Science.
- Articles promoting specific breeds or products are not acceptable.
Format of articles
To ensure uniformity, the format of articles must conform to that prescribed for the South African Journal of Animal Science (The instructions can be viewed at The inclusion of photographs is encouraged. Manuscripts should be submitted in a copy-ready form. Articles can be written only in English.
Publication information
Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development are published electronically at The publication fee is free of charge.
Prospective authors should adhere strictly to the guidelines detailed in the Instructions to Authors, as manuscripts that do not fully comply with the style and format of the journal will not be accepted for review. Manuscripts should be submitted electronically, as MS Word files, to the main editor ([email protected](link sends e-mail)), who will distribute it to the editorial committee members for review. In all cases, submissions should represent original contributions.
Copyright resides with the authors in terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International Licence. See: is external)
Condition of use: The user may copy, distribute, transmit and adapt the work, but must recognise the authors and Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development.
Applied Animal Husbandry and Rural Development
This is an official Journal of the South African Society for Animal Science and has an
ISSN 2312-8747.
24 November 2016