The current study was conducted on 38 sheep in a private enterprise engaged in the breeding of Eşme sheep in Uşak province, and measurements were taken on the 30th and 60th days of lactation. Sheep were classified according to udder type, and the relationship between udder type, udder characteristics, milk yield, and milk quality was investigated. The effect of udder type on milk yield and milk quality was found to be inconsequential. The measurement date was found to have a substantial effect on udder depth, udder circumference, udder width, distance between teats, the distance between teat and ground, as well as on milk yield and milk quality. At the beginning of the lactation, the milk was of higher quality, but as the lactation progressed, both the quality and yield decreased. There was an effect of birth type on milk quality characteristics; milk quality decreased with multiple births. Quality characteristics including fat, dry matter, density, protein, lactose, and freezing point values were examined. Udder measurements and udder types of Eşme sheep are suitable for milking, and the breed satisfies breeders in terms of milk quality. Increasing support is necessary to promote the breeding of Eşme sheep.
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