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"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher

Genetic and environmental parameters for ewe productivity in Merinos

  • 2002
  • Issue: 3
  • Volume: 32
G. Duguma, S. J. Schoeman, S. W. P. Cloete and G. F. Jordaan Page: 154 - 159

Data of 3272 lambing records collected on 818 ewes born from 689 dams and sired by 371 rams were used in the evaluation of ewe lifetime productivity (total number born, number weaned and total weight weaned). These records were collected…

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Application of a sex identification technique in juvenile ostriches and its potential application in Botswana

  • 2002
  • Issue: 3
  • Volume: 32
O.M. Mine, M.E. Mochakana, T. Mpapho, D.T.M. Motlhanka and P. Kgwatalala Page: 160 - 163

Sexing ostrich chicks and juveniles before the dimorphous appearance of the plumage that starts at 14 months of age is proving difficult and cumbersome for Botswana farmers. This problem delays early selection of birds for breeding and trading. It also…

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The influence of outliers on a model for the estimation of crossbreeding parameters for weaning weight in a beef cattle herd

  • 2002
  • Issue: 3
  • Volume: 32
M.A. Aziz, S.J. Schoeman, and G.F. Jordaan Page: 164 - 170

Data on 17348 weaning weight records from a beef cattle crossbreeding operation were used to determine the effect of outliers on regression coefficients. Different criteria were used for detecting potential influential points. Eliminating a small number (932 or 5.4 %)…

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The effect of heterogeneity for yearling weights measured in different test phases of the South African National Beef Cattle Imp

  • 2002
  • Issue: 3
  • Volume: 32
R.R. van der Westhuizen and T. Rust Page: 171 - 174

In animal breeding, selection decisions are often made amongst animals from separate environmental groups. Production data in these groups may differ both in mean and variance. In South Africa, yearling weights of beef cattle are recorded in two different phases…

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An evaluation of nitrogen fertilised Panicum maximum cv. Gatton at different stages of maturity during autumn: 1. Dry matter yie

  • 2002
  • Issue: 3
  • Volume: 32
A. Taute, W.A. van Niekerk, N.F.G. Rethman and R.J. Coertze Page: 208 - 216

The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of level of nitrogen (N) fertilisation and stage of maturity on certain qualitative parameters and dry matter (DM) production of Panicum maximum cv. Gatton during autumn. Treatments included seven levels…

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The effect of dietary energy and protein during a breeding season of ostriches (Struthio camelus domesticus) on production the f

  • 2002
  • Issue: 4
  • Volume: 32
Z. Brand, T.S. Brand, C.R. Brown and S.J. van Schalkwyk Page: 226 - 230

In a study on ostrich nutrition that spanned three breeding seasons, we assessed the effect of different energy and protein levels in the previous breeding season on production in the following breeding season. During the first breeding season, groups of…

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The influence of multicollinearity on crossbreeding parameter estimates for weaning weight in beef cattle

  • 2002
  • Issue: 4
  • Volume: 32
S.J. Schoeman, M.A. Aziz and G.F. Jordaan Page: 239 - 246

Data on 17258 weaning weight records of calves from a crossbreeding project were utilized to investigate the problem of collinearity and its effect on the estimation of direct, maternal and the non-additive genetic effects. Several criteria were used to detect the near-dependency…

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Chemical and physical parameters of forage legume species introduced in the Capricorn region of Limpopo Province, South Africa

  • 2002
  • Issue: 4
  • Volume: 32
H.K. Mokoboki, L.R. Ndlovu and K.K. Ayisi Page: 247 - 255

The purpose of the study was to evaluate the nutritive value of the forage legume species, Centrosema pascuorum, Lablab purpureus, Macroptilium bracteatum, Macroptilium gracile and Vigna oblongifolia as feed for ruminants in the Capricorn region of Limpopo Province, South Africa.…

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Relationship between production performance, visual appraisal and body measurements of young Dorper rams

  • 2002
  • Issue: 4
  • Volume: 32
P.J. Fourie, F.W.C. Neser, J.J. Olivier and C. van der Westhuizen Page: 256 - 262

The body measurements of 433 young Dorper rams participating in the Free State and Northern Cape veld-ram projects were correlated with their production performance. These measurements included a selection index, body weight (kg), average daily gain (g/day) and scrotal circumference…

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