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"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher

The peripheral plasma progesterone concentration and luteal progesterone content in the post-partum ewe

  • 1980
  • Issue: 1
  • Volume: 10
H.K. Botha and J.E. Morgenthal Page: 59 - 63

Post-partum plasma progesterone concentrations and luteal progesterone content were measured in lactating and non-lactating ewes during a normal breeding season in autumn and an abnormal breeding season in spring. The results indicate that silent ovulations during the autumn breeding season…

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The synchronisation of oestrus in sheep. 5. The interval between prostaglandin injections in the double injection regime

  • 1980
  • Issue: 1
  • Volume: 10
J.P.C. Greyling and J.M. van der Westhuysen Page: 73 - 76

The reproductive efficiencies of ewes treated with two injections of prostaglandin (cloprostenol) administered at intervals of either 9, 10 or 11 days, were compared.  The conception rate of ewes in these treatment groups was 11,1%, 40,0% and 70,0%, respectively and…

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The conductivity of cervical mucus as a predictor of ovulation in beef cows synchronised with cloprostenol

  • 1980
  • Issue: 2
  • Volume: 10
C.T. McCabe, G.W. Sprowson and D.H. Holness Page: 119 - 124

A commercial conductivity detector was used to monitor the changes in the conductivity of the cervical mucus in Mashona and Afrikaner beef cows synchronised with cloprostenol in an attempt to predict the optimum time for artificial insemination. The recorded conductivity…

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