Assessment of the reproductive and growth performance of two sheep composites, developed from the Finish Landrace, compared to t

Author: S.J. Schoeman, R. de wet and C.A. van der Merwe
Year: 1993
Issue: 5
Volume: 23
Page: 207 - 210

Genes were introduced from the prolific Finnish Landrace sheep breed by crossbreeding with indigenous breeds to produce several composites. In this study, two of these composites were compared to the Dorper in terms of reproductive characteristics and growth. Mean ovulation rate of Composites 1 and 2 was 1.93 and 1.67, respectively, compared to 1.13 of the Dorper. Composites were subsequently also mated to Dorper rams. Prolificacy was 1.35, 1.48, and 1.08 lambs born per lambing to Composites 1 and 2 and Dorpers, respectively. Birth mass differed between the Dorper and composites. Neither weaning mass (at 62.6 days) nor 100-day mass differed between composites and the Dorper. There was a higher fat content in the milk of the composites. Although the preliminary assessment is based on relatively low numbers, there is, however, some potential in these dam lines for future crossbreeding purposes.


Keywords: crossbreeding, Finnsheep, mass, ovulation rate, puberty, reproductive performance
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