The effect of feeding level on puberty development in Nguni, Bonsmara and Drakensberger heifers: The growing interest in the Nguni and the need for reliable data on the breed led firstly to an investigation of puberty development in Nguni, Bonsmara and Drakensberger heifers. Secondly puberty development was also studied in Nguni heifers under extensive conditions. Nguni heifers reached puberty at a highly signifIcant (P < 0,01) earlier age (349,91 days) and lower mass (238,23 kg) as compared with Drakensberger and Bonsmara heifers. The Drakensberger heifers were slightly younger (407,21 days) and lighter (298,71 kg) than the Bonsmara heifers which were 418,96 days old and with a mass of 341,39 kg. The Bonsmara, Drakensberger and Nguni heifers gained 1080, 870, and 760 g per day, respectively, from weaning to the attainment of puberty. Nguni heifers consumed significantly less feed (326,8 kg) compared to the Drakensberger (780,27 kg) and Bonsmara heifers (1 151,27 kg). At puberty the Nguni heifers were the smallest. The Drakensberger and Bonsmara heifers had approximately the same stage of conformational development. The group of Nguni heifers which were under intensive feeding conditions, maintained a highly signifIcant (P < 0,01) higher ADG, attained puberty at a highly signillcant (P < 0,01) earlier age (344,51 versus 399,89 days) and on a slightly though nonsignifIcant lower mass (237,27 vs 234,85 kg) than the group under extensive conditions.