In my first 100 days of editing the South African Journal of Animal Science, I have found that most authors are having difficulties in addressing and responding to reviewers’/editors’ comments. Some authors have not been submitting response notes which clearly indicate how reviewers/e’ditors’ suggestions would have been addressed. In addition to disappointing reviewers, any failure to clearly articulate how reviewer suggestions were addressed in a revised submission further delays the processing of submissions. Once a manuscript is submitted to a journal it is most likely that an editor and several reviewers will recommend some changes with a view to improve the submitted article. This is a normal pathway to the publication of the article. It is very unusual for a scientific paper to be accepted without the need for a revision of any kind. So, if an author’s submission makes it through the first review cycle, it will again require some amendments that will need to be verified by the editors and reviewers. This is done to ensure that any manuscript submitted to the journal is scientifically sound, factual, clear, complete and original.
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