Nine Landrace x Large White baconer pigs were stunned in the usual way by means of an electric stunner (control, normal stunning) while 9 other pigs were stunned in an unconventional way by applying an electric current for 45 s to various parts of the body (treated, abnormal stunning). Following slaughter” the pH, temperature, rigor, reflectance and cooking loss of muscles were determined. At not one of these stages viz .0.25; 0.50; 0.75; l; 3; 4 and 24h post mortem the pH of the M longissismus lumborum differed statistically significantly between treatments. The pH1 was 6,30 +-0,068 for the control and,6,22 +-0,059 for the treated pigs. The post mortem pH of the M semimembranosus was statistically significantly lower in the treated than in the control pigs at the afore-mentioned stages. The pH1 of the M. semimembranosus was 6,36 +-0,050 for the control and 6,22 +-0,030 for the treated pigs (P<0,05).Rigorof the M.semimembranosus was 7,9 +-0,4 4mm for the control and 10,0 +- 0,52mm for the treated pigs (P<0,01). No significant differences were found in muscle temperature, reflectance or cooking loss between treatments. This led to the conclusion that although post mortem pH was lowered in the M. semimembranosus, the unconventional way of electrical stunning as applied in this experiment had no disadvantageous effects on the economically important characteristics namely reflectance and cooking loss.
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