Fatty acid and cholesterol content, chemical composition and sensory evaluation of horsemeat (Short communication)

Author: I.B. Tonial, A.C. Aguiar, C.C. Oliveira, E.G. Bonnafé, J.V. Visentainer and N.E. de Souza
Year: 2009
Issue: 4
Volume: 39
Page: 328 - 332

This study aimed to determine the fatty acid and composition and cholesterol concentration of horsemeat, and to evaluate its taste acceptability by the Brazilian population. Horsemeat samples were obtained from a Paraná State slaughterhouse. The chemical composition revealed a low lipid and high protein content. The concentrations of the nutritionally important fatty acids, arachidonic acid and eicosapentaenoic acid were 2.97% and 0.43%, respectively. The polyunsaturated fatty acid/saturated fatty acid ratio was 0.97, which is within the recommended range. The cholesterol concentration of 40.5 mg/100 g is lower than that of other meat such as chicken, beef, mutton and pork. The sensory evaluation revealed excellent acceptability.

Keywords: Equus caballus, health food, M. longissimus dorsi, meat quality, PUFA/SFA
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