This is a genetic characterisation of the Blanca Serrana Andaluza goat breed based on microsatellite markers. Fifty animals from five herds were typed with a set of 27 microsatellites proposed by the FAO and ISAG for biodiversity studies. Our results showed that this is an extremely endangered breed, though it still possesses a high level of genetic variability, as demonstrated by the values for the expected and observed mean heterozygosity (0.71 and 0.66, respectively). All microsatellites were polymorphic, showing a mean number of alleles of 8.22. The present situation of the breed indicates that most of the microsatellites (18) show a H-W equilibrium, and the Fis shows a low value (0.07), suggesting a good strategy in the conservation plan of the breed.
"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher