Goat milk production and processing in the NIAYES in Senegal

Author: A. Missohou, L. Diouf, R.S. Sow and C.B.A. Wollny
Year: 2004
Issue: 5
Volume: 34
Page: 151 - 154

This study was carried out from February to December 2003 to analyse goat milk production and processing in the districts of Thies and Mbour located in the Sahelian area, 70 km from Dakar. Among the suppliers of the three processing units identified, 45 milk producers were identified and surveyed. 45 milk samples from farmers and 30 cheese samples from a processor were collected and submitted to chemical and microbiological analysis. The flock sizes averaged 45 animals per household and were equally owned by men (51.1%) and women (48.9%). Feeding was based on extensive grazing under the control of a shepherd. Only 17.7% of the farmers fed agricultural by-products (beans and groundnut haulm) to lactating goats; 4.5% dewormed their animals. The lactating goats were milked once a day, 77.8% by women, 20% by men and 2.2% by children. Average daily milk production was 0.54 ± 0.12 L for the duration of a lactation of 3.6 months. The processing units collected the milk 2-3 times per week and the price paid (350-400 FCFA) was higher compared to cattle milk (300-350 FCFA). Two types of cheese were produced and sold to supermarkets and hotels. The processing yield was 12-15%. The chemical composition of milk (dry matter:169.7 ± 9.56 g/L, protein: 50.5 ± 1.1 g/L, fat: 69 ± 14.2 g/L) was good. The low-input dairy goat system contributes to household income. It is recommended that possible management improvements and interventions be examined to increase the efficiency of production in a sustainable manner. Small changes in feeding and milking management may lead to significant improvements.

Keywords: cheese, Goat husbandry, milk and cheese quality, milk processing, Senegal
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