Minerals and nitrogen in poultry manure

Author: J.B.J. van Ryssen, P. Channon and W.J. Stielau
Year: 1977
Issue: 3
Volume: 7
Page: 195 - 199

Poultry manure, potentially suitable as a ruminant f’eedstuff, was obtained from various sources Samples consisted of pure excreta from birds kept in batteries, broiler excreta on deep litter systems and pullet and breeder excreta on deep litter systems. Large variations in levels of minerals and nitrogen were observed within and between the sources though the average values corresponded well with published results. Some of the broiler litter samples contained high levels of copper (average 424 mg/kg Cu). A trial was carried out to investigate the concentration of copper and zinc in manure from broilers fed rations containing various levels of these minerals. It was concluded that even low levels of copper sulphate additions to broiler rations could give rise to copper levels in the excreta which are potentially toxic to sheep.

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