Seasonal variation in semen quality of Boer and Angora goat rams using different collection techniques

Author: J.P.C. Greyling and J.A.N. Grobbelaar
Year: 1983
Issue: 4
Volume: 13
Page: 250 - 252

Semen was collected weekly throughout the year from three Boer goat rams with the aid of the artificial vagina and from two Angora and two Boer goat rams by means of electrical stimulation, to determine seasonal variation in semen quality. Semen characteristics monitored were volume, density, percentage of live sperm, percentage of abnormal sperm, pH and motility. No significant seasonal variation in semen quality was noted. In the Boer goat (artificial vagina) a significant difference (P 0,05) was obtained in the percentage of live sperm for different months of the year, while the volume (P 0,01) and pH (P 0,05) of ejaculates were significantly lower When collected by the artificial vagina and the density and motility were significantly (P 0,01) higher when compared with sperm collected by electrical stimulation. A negative correlation (- 0,90) was obtained between the percentage of live sperm and the percentage of abnormal sperm .collected from Boer goat rams by the artificial vagina. The Angora goat produced an ejaculate with a significantly higher motility (P 0,01), density (P 0,01) and lower volume (P 0,05) than the Boer goat when electrically stimulated – a significant (P 0,01) variation in pH between months was obtained by this method of semen collection. The artificial vagina proved to be the most satisfactory method of semen collection in the Boer goat.


Keywords: Angora goat, Boer goat, collection techniques, semen quality
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