The influence of exercising rams on the lambing performance of a Merino ewe flock (Short communication)

Author: G.C. Combrink and S.J. Schoeman
Year: 1993
Issue: 1
Volume: 23
Page: 24 - 26

The effect of exercising Merino rams on the lambing performance of 2 227 Merino ewes was investigated. The ewes were divided into three groups of which two were mated to exercised rams and the third to non-exercised rams. No significant differences were obtained in body mass between the exercised and non-exercised rams. A significant (P 0.05) difference in cumulative lambing percentage over an eight week lambing season was found between ewes mated to exercised rams (91.9%) and ewes mated to nonexercised rams (75.9%).


Keywords: Ewe fertility, excersice, Merino rams
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