A trial was carried out at the Vaalharts Agricultural Research Station in which Dorper ewes were run on either Cenchrus ciliaris or Panicum maximum pastures or fed lucerne hay. Three lamb crops were obtained over a 2-year period. Lambs were weaned 60 days after birth and fed a fattening ration until slaughter mass was attained at approximately 35 kg live mass. A stocking rate of 20,5 ewes/ha was applied on the pastures. At this rate the Panicum pasture failed to provide an adequate maintenance diet for the entire period of the trial, but the Cenchrus pasture prod~ced sufficient roughage to maintain stock. Although green Cenchrus pasture was capable of producing an excellent fat lamb, the quality of Cenchrus hay was inadequate for reproducing or lactating animals. An analysis of all cost inputs and saleable produce was made. Both the Cenchrus as well as the Panicum pasture recorded a negative gross margin. A regression equation was developed to indicate at what price levels it would be more profitable to market lucerne as a cash crop or via the animal.
"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher