During 1993, different ratios of cattle : sheep grazed maize-crop residues at the Dundee Research Station. The treatments comprised cattle only (T1; 8 heifers), high cattle : low sheep (T2; 6 heifers : 8 wethers), low cattle : high sheep (T3; 4 heifers : 17 wethers) and sheep only (T4; 36 wethers). A stocking rate of 2.3 LSU (large stock unit) /ha was applied to all treatments. Grazing commenced on 29 June 1993 and was terminated on 27 September 1993, providing 91 grazing days. Although the highest proportion of residues (54.8%) was utilised in T4, cattle alone or cattle with sheep had a larger live mass gain /ha than sheep only grazing residues.
"Experientia docet" - Experience is the best teacher