Voorspeense groei van Bonsmarakalwers onder verskillende agro-ekologiese toestande en faktore wat dit beïnvloed (Kort mededelin

Author: J.G.E. van Zyl, H.A.W. Venter & H.T. Groeneveld
Year: 1987
Issue: 4
Volume: 17
Page: 185 - 187

Factors influencing birth mass, actual weaning mass and corrected weaning mass were investigated. Herd, year of birth, sex of calf and season of birth as well as interactions between main effects influenced parameters significantly (P<0,05). Spring and winter calves attained higher weaning masses than summer calves. The application of research results in practice is discussed.






Keywords: Bonsmara calves, influencing factors, pre-weaning growth
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