Anti-nutritional factors in canola produced in the Western and Southern Cape areas of South Africa

Author: T.S. Brand, N. Smith and L.C. Hoffman
Year: 2007
Issue: 1
Volume: 37
Page: 45 - 50

The development of low erucic acid, low glucosinolate cultivars of canola seed has led to the availability of a feed ingredient with considerable potential to replace soyabean meal in diets for all classes of farm animals. The sinapine and glucosinolate content of various canola cultivars cultivated in two areas of the Western Cape, South Africa were compared. There were no significant differences in sinapine content between the canola produced in the Western and Southern Cape (mean value of 9.95 mg sinapine/g grain). There were cultivar differences, with Varola 54 and Rainbow cultivars having significantly higher sinapine concentrations than Varola 50. There were no significant differences between the aliphatic, indolyl or aromatic glucosinolate content of the canola originating from either the Swartland or the Rûens areas in South Africa (mean value of 17.84 μmol total glucosinolates/g grain). There were significant differences in the total glucosinolate content of the various canola cultivars. Varola 44 and Hylite 200TT had the lowest total glucosinolate concentration and Varola 50 had the highest glucosinolate concentration. The results obtained seem to indicate a maximum dietary inclusion level of up to 14% for South African produced canola with an average of 17.83 μmol glucosinolates per gram to ensure optimal animal production.

Keywords: anti-nutritional factors, Canola, glucosinolate, sinapine
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