Invloed van fisiese vorm van mieliegraan en aanvullende proteienvoeding op die benutting van hoë kragvoerrantsoene deur vleisbee

Author: H.J. van der Merwe, A.P. van Schalkwyk en L.J.J. van Rensburg
Year: 1978
Issue: 2
Volume: 8
Page: 131 - 136

The substitution of whole maize grain for maize meal in high concentrate rations (±20% silage on dry basis) for young beef cattle did not significantly lower intake, digestible energy content of ration, mass gain and feed efficiency (2-5%). The milling of whole grain was not economically justified when milling and handling costs amounted to more than approximately 7% the price of grain under circumstances of the present study. Results obtained with a daily protein supplement (1,8 kg/steer) consisting of 96 parts lucerne meal and 4 parts urea compared particularly favourably with a supplement (l kg/steer) consisting of 100 parts maize meal, 75 parts peanut oilcake meal, 25 parts fishmeal and l0 parts urea.

Keywords: Cattle, High-energy diets, physical form
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