The effect of replacing O. 33, 66 and 100% of the maize meal with apple residue in a concentrate diet (containing 89% concentrate and 11% roughage) for dairy calves was investigated. Four groups of 10 new-born Friesian bull calves were used. The calves received 4 kg of a milk substitute daily and the concentrate diet ad lib. from birth until weaning (42 – 49 days). After weaning only the concentrate diet was fed ad lib. for a further approximate 100 days. In a metabolism study, the respective diets were also fed to four groups of four calves, 10 weeks after commencement of the growth study. Replacement of maize meal by apple residue in the diet resulted in a significant (P < 0,05) decrease in the apparent digestibility of dry matter, organic matter, crude protein, ether extract, and gross energy. No significant (P>0,05) differences in live mass gains of calves occurred between the various treatments. The substitution of 66% and 100% of the maize meal with apple residue in the diet resulted in a significant (P<0,05) and highly significant (P<0,01) decrease in efficiency of feed utilization respectively. The results indicate that the most effective level of apple residue inclusion in a concentrate diet for calves is probably in the region of 22%.