Protein nutrition of underfed beef cows suckling two calves

Author: J.H. Topps
Year: 1983
Issue: 1
Volume: 13
Page: 84 - 86

Protein nutrition of underfed beef cows suckling two calves was studied during early lactation using Hereford x British Friesian cows. Feeding the cows with white fish-meal in each of the three years produced calves with a high growth rate (0,97 kg/day). The use of either groundnut meal or soyabean meal gave a response which was less than that obtained with fish-meal. It would seem that the more undegradable the protein source, the greater is the response in calf growth rate. The change in weight loss altered and could be related to a change in the nature of weight loss, from mainly fat tissue to less protein and water.

Keywords: two calves, undegradable protein, Underfed beef cows
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